Sunday, February 7, 2016

Finally, a RICH Vigilante

With all of the billionaires in the world(and even a lot of the millionaires), I often wonder why none of them go after crime any harder than they do.

Certainly, without low crime zones, the “legal” tycoons cannot operate. Business cannot thrive in a dangerous environment. And while I am sure many of these fine folks with fat wallets fork over their green to charities, not one of them(that I know of) funds any kind of crime-fighting machine.

And don't talk to me about the caped crusader. That guy doesn't do anything but go out at night, beat up the same old cartoon villains and throw them back in the slammer. Any person with a brain would have killed the Joker a long time ago, before the purple-suited nut job killed dozens more.

Let's face it.

Law enforcement does an excellent job much of the time. However, what about when they just can't put one of the real cold-blooded killers away?

Then the public must deal with one of them walking amongst them- when they are even aware of this.

My sense of justice is pretty simple. If a person goes out and kills an innocent person, they don't respect life and therefore, I don't respect theirs. So their punishment? In my opinion, death.

I know many do not agree with me and that's fine. If you want to stop reading here, be my guest, because we won't see eye for an eye on this. Whoops. I mean, we won't see “Eye TO Eye” on this.

But if you feel the way I do, then surely you must have gotten a kick out of Dirty Harry blowing away one scumbag after another and Paul Kersey wiping out muggers in 1970s New York City in Death Wish or even the more twisted Travis Bickle waging his own little war on scum in Taxi Driver. Oh, I got a kick out of all of it.

Maybe in the real world, many killers and rapists do beat the rap, but in my fiction, I enjoy watching them go down!

And well, while the law tries as it might, my fictional heroes are the Bickles(a cab driver), the Kerseys(an architect who moonlights as a killer) and the Dirty Harry's(let's be honest, he would fired the first time he went to blowing people away with his cannon).

Thomas Moore was raised to think the entire world was headed on one electronic ride down into the depths of hell and that a man must do bad things to get by, like take out murderers who walked.


In this case, a wealthy man pays him to do this and pays quite well. For once, a wealthy person is donating to more than charities and SuperPACS.

If you enjoy a vigilante tale, I believe you will find Mr. Moore's journey very stimulating as he must decide whether or not a small-town mayor is guilty or not while also seeing the world for the first time through his own eyes instead of his father's.

You can download it right here today for just $2.99.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Piece of Trash

Over the weekend, I learned that a friend of mine had his house broken into while at work. 

Now this is the type of scum that brings out the wolf in me.

While a hard-working citizen is at work on his day off, trying to scrape by in this economy to make a buck, some lowlife piece of trash breaks into his home and steals from him.

Now I know in my last post, that I said I write about criminals, but I have to clarify.

I have been stolen from myself.  And the only thing I could think of afterwards, is getting the trash that stole from me.  I wanted the item back.  Sure.  But I really wanted to run this scum down.  If nothing else, I want to know what he looks like and then yes.  Dole out some justice.

So, while I did write a book about a man resorting to thievery, I also must clarify that I do not think what he did was right.  In the end, I think he is worse off for it in his mind and soul, which is what he deserves.

Any story I write about thieves generally has them learning their lesson, because I can't stand to be ripped off.  I mean, sure.  After you are robbed, you can most likely get it back over time.

However, what happens on a break-in is that you know someone has broken into your home and the feeling that they will come back doesn't go away. 

Victims have trouble sleeping and they even start staying with a friend sometimes or maybe their parents, just out of fear of being in their own homes.

How ridiculous!

And well, yes.  You can contact the police and fill out a report. 

However, we've all been there.  The law can be mighty slow and unreliable as far as finding the perpetrators or even identifying them.  I can't blame them totally.  Many criminals are smart and prove slick enough to get away with the dastardly deed.

And what can we do?

Well, if you're like me, you don't want to be bothered by your neighbors.  So the neighborhood watch thing is not really for me.  You can install security cameras and other devices as well as an alarm system. 

However, you just lost something of value and well, money is might hard to come by.

So, you're probably looking at a situation where you're going to end up eating that loss. 

Doesn't that burn you up?

It burns me right the hell up!

However, it is the world we live they say.

What you can do is picture what you would do if you caught the bastards and their punishment was up to you.

I think I'd prefer to take a finger off, depending on the amount they stole.  Very low?  A pinky.  Low? The middle finger.  Medium?  A hand.  High?  A hand and a foot.  After all, this thief has most likely been a half-ass at life so far.  Might as well have half his hands and feet. 

Anyway, what's your thoughts?

What would be your punishment?